Ensuring Privacy
Indicate takes your privacy extremely seriously and only collects the data from individuals using the Indicate platform required to provide the service and ensure it is delivered effectively. See our privacy policy here.
Authentication: Indicate offers a range of authentication methods such as SAML, Google Sign-in and Facebook Login, and/or Password based which can be individually enabled/disabled for an account.
2-Factor Authentication: Admins can enable 2FA for your users, requiring them to set up and use 2FA to access the Indicate web portal.
Video Preview: Before you join a meeting, you can preview your video and select a virtual background, or decide to join without video.
Attendee consent for recording: Account admins or meeting hosts can require that all recordings of meetings are accompanied by a pop-up notice to attendees that a recording is taking place, and there is a visual indicator when recording is on.
Removed Attention Tracking: Indicate recently removed the option for training professionals to track if attendees were multi-tasking during a meeting.
Meeting participants’ basic technical information: (Such as the user’s IP address, OS details, and device details) is collected for troubleshooting and admin reporting.
Indicate stores basic information: Under user account profile information including: Email address, user password – salted, hashed, first and last name. Company name, phone number, and a profile picture are all optional to provide.
We never have, and have no future intentions, to sell your information to advertisers.
Indicate does not monitor your meetings or its contents.
Indicate complies with all applicable privacy laws, rules, and regulations in the jurisdictions in which it operates, including the GDPR and the CCPA.